How Shifting from Need to Want Transforms Manifestation


In this video, we talk about the incredible shift that happens when we move from saying "I need something" to "I want something." It’s not just about semantics; it's about a deeper understanding of how our desires and intentions interact with the universe.

Allow me to guide you through this process by uncovering the blocks that may be keeping you stuck and how to overcome them.

Join me today as we discuss the nuances of manifestation and understand the difference between needing and wanting and how it can be a game-changer when it comes to attracting and manifesting our desires. Let’s get started!

00:00 - Discussion on the magic of manifestation
01:06 - Different approaches to manifestation
01:32 - The energetic blocks in manifestation
02:19 - Discussing the concept of ‘needing’ something
03:30 - Guided exercise to shift from need to want
04:25 - The process of energetic healing
05:23 - Application: Relaxing and releasing energy

All Products and Courses to apply this work to your life is below.
Meditation Mondays ➡️
CLEAR Course (All-Access Pass Includes Membership) ➡️

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My mission here is to assist holistic, driven entrepreneurs in clearing their energy so they can create a life they truly love. When health challenges, relationship issues, or old belief systems are in the way, there isn't any space to allow what you desire to come in. I am dedicated to showing you how to identify and clear these blocks yourself.

Disclaimer: The guidance and information provided is intended for educational purposes only. They are not intended to replace professional medical care.  If you are experiencing mental health symptoms or require healing support, please consult a qualified medical professional. Jackie Senatore or her team make no claims about healing or recovery from illnesses. Please use this information responsibly and at your own discretion.


Inside this free workbook, discover my magic manifesting formula, visualization exercises, journal prompts, and more, all designed to help you change the way you manifest money!