Effective Strategies for Managing and Avoiding Triggered Moments


How do we handle triggers in the moment? How do we transform them from disruptions to stepping stones for personal evolution?

When you are triggered, it means that something external has sparked your strong internal response. It's like a button being pushed that stirs up emotions or memories tied to past experiences, beliefs, or traumas. These reactions can vary in intensity and can be linked to personal insecurities, unresolved issues, or situations that remind individuals of distressing or challenging moments from their past.

Throughout this video, we'll unravel what triggers truly mean, why they affect us, and, most importantly, effective strategies for managing these triggered moments and even preventing them from recurring. It's about understanding that triggers aren't about the external factors or events; they're about what they reveal within ourselves—those buried emotions and past experiences taking up space in our energy closet.

I'll walk you through practical steps, from acknowledging triggers to soothing techniques and diving deep into understanding what these moments are trying to teach us.

All Products and Courses to apply this work to your life is below.
Meditation Mondays ➡️ https://www.jackiesenatore.com/membership
CLEAR Course (All-Access Pass Includes Membership) ➡️ https://www.jackiesenatore.com/clear

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⚡️FREE Money Workbook:  ➡︎ https://www.jackiesenatore.com/moneyworkbook
⚡️FREE Energy Shifter Experience:  ➡︎ https://www.jackiesenatore.com/energyshifter

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My mission here is to assist holistic, driven entrepreneurs in clearing their energy so they can create a life they truly love. When health challenges, relationship issues, or old belief systems are in the way, there isn't any space to allow what you desire to come in. I am dedicated to showing you how to identify and clear these blocks yourself.

Disclaimer: The guidance and information provided is intended for educational purposes only. They are not intended to replace professional medical care.  If you are experiencing mental health symptoms or require healing support, please consult a qualified medical professional. Jackie Senatore or her team make no claims about healing or recovery from illnesses. Please use this information responsibly and at your own discretion.


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